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Create Authorization Module

Create to handle Devii authorization. This file manages the retrieval of an access token.

"""This module is for handling authentication and retrieving access and refresh tokens from Devii."""

import json
import os
import requests
import jwt
from datetime import datetime, timezone


Creates a JSON file for storing and loading tokens. Storing the tokens in a JSON file without encryption is done only as an example, and is not best practice. Other options include using an encrypted JSON file, in-memory keystore, browser local storage (for browser apps), an encrypted SQLite database file, and so on.

TOKEN_FILE = 'token.json'

def load_token():
'''Load the tokens from the token.json file'''
if os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
return None

def save_token(token):
'''Save the tokens to the token.json file'''
with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'w') as file:
json.dump(token, file)

Next, create a function to login and retrieve your access token from Devii. For this function you will need to have your tenant id, if you need to find it you can find the instructions in Project and Tenant ID.

def login(data):

"""Retreive tokens for the application"""
print("logging in...")
# Make the POST request to the Devii authentication endpoint with the provided data.
response =, data=data)

print("data: ", data)

# Check for a successful response, if status code is 200 parse the JSON response
if response.status_code == 200:
json_response = response.json()

# Extract the access token
access_token = json_response.get("access_token")
refresh_token = json_response.get("refresh_token")
roleid = json_response.get("roleid")
message = json_response.get("message")
# Save the refresh token to a file
save_token({"access_token": access_token, "refresh_token": refresh_token, "roleid": roleid, "message": message})
print("message: ", message)

print("error in login: ", response.status_code)
print("response from login: ", response.text)

return {"status_code": response.status_code, "message": response.text}

The following code provides a mechanism for managing authentication tokens. The refresh_access_token function refreshes the access token using a refresh token, ensuring continued access to resources. If the token file does not exist, it initiates a login process. The is_token_expired function checks whether a token has expired by decoding it and comparing the expiration time with the current time. The ensure_token_exists function ensures valid tokens are present, refreshing or renewing them as necessary. If either the access or refresh token is expired or missing, it either refreshes the tokens or logs in again to obtain new ones.

def refresh_access_token(data):
"""Refresh the access token using the refresh token"""
#ensure the token file exists
if not os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
print("Token file not found, logging in...")

#load the refresh token from the token file
refresh_token = load_token().get('refresh_token')

#header to send to the Devii authentication endpoint for new tokens using the refresh token
refresh_headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {refresh_token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",

# Make the POST request to the Devii authentication endpoint with the provided data.
response = requests.get(AUTH_URL, headers=refresh_headers)

# Check for a successful response, if status code is 200 parse the JSON response and extract tokens then save them to the token file
if response.status_code == 200:
json_response = response.json()
access_token = json_response.get("access_token")
refresh_token = json_response.get("refresh_token")
roleid = json_response.get("roleid")
save_token({"access_token": access_token, "refresh_token": refresh_token, "roleid": roleid})
return access_token

print("error in refresh access token: ", response.status_code)
return {"status_code": response.status_code, "message": response.text}

def is_token_expired(token):
'''Check if refresh token has expired'''

# Decode the token without verifying the signature
decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, options={"verify_signature": False})
expiration_timestamp = decoded_token['exp']

# Extract expiration time from decoded token
if expiration_timestamp:
expiration_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(expiration_timestamp, tz=timezone.utc)
print("Expiration Time:", expiration_datetime)
return expiration_datetime <
return False

def ensure_token_exists(data):
'''Check if the token exists and return appropriate response code'''

if not os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
print("Token file not found, logging in...")
response = login(data)
if response and response.get("status_code") == 200: # Safeguard added
return {"status_code": 200, "message": "Logged in successfully"}
return {"status_code": response.get("status_code", 500), "message": "Login failed"} # Fallback to 500 if None

# Load the tokens from the token file

username = data.get('login').strip().lower()

# Check if the token file exists and the user is already logged in
if os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
token_message = load_token().get('message')
print("token_message: ", token_message)
print("username: ", username)
print(f'Logged in as {username}.')
print("Token file found, checking token...")
with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'r') as file:
token_data = json.load(file)
token_message = token_data.get('message', '').strip().lower()
expected_message = f"logged in as {username}.".strip().lower()

if token_message == expected_message:
print("User is already logged in.")
return {"status_code": 200, "message": "Logged in successfully"}
print("Token file found, but user is not logged in.")
return login(data)

access_token = load_token().get('access_token')
refresh_token = load_token().get('refresh_token')

# Check if the access token is missing or expired
if access_token is None or is_token_expired(access_token):
# If the refresh token is also expired or missing, log in again
if refresh_token is None or is_token_expired(refresh_token):
print("Refresh token expired or not found, logging in...")
response = login(data)
if response and response.get("status_code") == 200: # Safeguard added
return {"status_code": 200, "message": "Logged in successfully"}
return {"status_code": response.get("status_code", 500), "message": "Login failed"} # Fallback to 500 if None
print("Access token expired, refreshing token...")
new_access_token = refresh_access_token(data)
if new_access_token:
return {"status_code": 200, "message": "Access token refreshed"}
return {"status_code": 401, "message": "Token refresh failed"}

Load the refresh token from the token.json file to be used in the headers.

access_token = load_token().get('access_token')

Creates a dictionary of headers that includes the obtained access token in the "Authorization" header. The "Content-Type" header is also set to indicate that the content being sent is in JSON format. This will be used in subsequent HTTP requests to Devii API endpoints, ensuring that the requests are authenticated with the obtained access token.

headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",